Petrol Price in Damoh

Petrol prices in Damoh has been fluctuating recently, reflecting the global trend of rising crude oil prices. As of today, petrol is priced at per litre in Damoh. Remember, petrol prices are revised daily in India, so it's important to have the latest information before your trip. The rupee has also gone down compared to the dollar, which makes petrol even more costly. It is hoped that the government can reduce excise duties, so as to enable rates to become cheaper in the coming days.

Last 10 Days Petrol Price in Damoh

Frisqoo strives to provide accurate, up-to-date fuel prices from official OMC sources, updated daily when possible. However, fuel prices can fluctuate due to regulations, global oil prices, and local markets. While displayed prices may not be the absolute latest, they serve as a valuable guide. We recommend refreshing the page for updates or contacting your nearest gas station for the most current price. Frisqoo is not liable for any inaccuracies.

Looking to save money on petrol? Check out our blog post on Fuel-Efficiency Techniques!

Understanding Petrol Prices in Damoh

Petrol, a necessary fuel for transportation, powers our daily lives. Knowing how petrol prices are determined in India can be empowering for consumers. This guide explores the factors influencing petrol prices, the daily revision process, and how to stay updated on the latest rates.

Daily Price Fluctuations: Dynamic Fuel Pricing

Since June 2017, India has utilized a dynamic fuel pricing system. This means petrol prices are revised daily at 6:00 AM, reflecting global crude oil prices and currency exchange rates. This system offers transparency and eliminates complexities associated with the previous fortnightly revision process.

The Players in Petrol Pricing:

India's petrol market involves several key players:

  • Oil Explorers & Producers: Companies like Cairn India and ONGC explore and extract crude oil, but India meets only 25% of its domestic needs, relying on imports for the rest.
  • Refineries: Companies like Reliance Industries refine crude oil into usable products like petrol, diesel, and LPG.
  • Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs): These government-owned companies (like Indian Oil and Bharat Petroleum) market and distribute petrol and other fuels to dealers.
  • Dealers: These are the petrol pump owners who sell fuel to consumers after factoring in their margins and taxes.

Why This Matters:

Understanding these stakeholders helps explain the various factors influencing petrol prices. From exploration costs to refining processes and OMC margins, each stage contributes to the final price you pay at the pump.

Components of Petrol Price in Damoh:

India's petrol market involves several key players:

  • Crude Oil Cost & Freight: This is the primary factor impacting petrol prices. International crude oil price fluctuations directly affect domestic prices.
  • Refinery Transfer Price (RTP): This cost covers the conversion of crude oil into refined petrol by oil marketing companies (OMCs) such as Indian Oil, Bharat Petroleum, and Hindustan Petroleum.
  • Taxes: Petrol prices include central excise duty, state VAT (Value Added Tax), and dealer commission. The varying VAT rates across states contribute to price differences.
  • OMCs' Profit Margin: OMCs incorporate a small profit margin into the final price.

Calculating Petrol Prices in Damoh:

Understanding how petrol prices are calculated empowers you as a consumer. Here's a breakdown of the key factors:

  • Crude Oil Cost: The price of the Indian crude oil basket, a weighted average of the prices of various crude oils India imports, is a major determinant.
  • Refining and Dealer Margins: Costs associated with refining crude oil into petrol (refining margins) and the profit margin for petrol pump dealers are factored in.
  • Transportation Costs: The expense of transporting crude oil from import points to refineries and then transporting refined petrol to pumps contributes to the final price.
  • Taxes: Petrol prices include central excise duty levied by the federal government and state Value Added Tax (VAT). VAT rates vary across states, leading to price differences between locations. Changes in central excise duty can also significantly impact petrol prices. A reduction in central excise duty can help alleviate high petrol prices.
  • Global Oil Market: Fluctuations in the price of Brent crude oil, a major benchmark for international oil prices, also affect domestic petrol prices in India.

How to Stay Informed About Petrol Prices:

  • SMS Services: Each state-owned OMC offers an SMS service to receive daily petrol price updates for your location.
  • Mobile Apps: Several apps, including IndianOil One, My HPCL, provide instant access to petrol prices across India.
  • OMCs Websites: Indian Oil, Bharat Petroleum, and Hindustan Petroleum websites offer "Pump Locator" features to help you find nearby stations at current prices.
OptionsIndian OilBPCLHPCL
SMS serviceType: RSP DEALER CODE and send it to 9224992249Type: RSP DEALER CODE and send it to 9223112222Type: HPPRICE DEALER CODE and send it to 9222201122
Mobile appIndianOil ONESmart DriveMy HPCL
Online ServiceVisit and then go to "Pump Locator"Visit and then go to "Pump Locator"Visit and then go to "Pump Locator"
Customer care number1800-2333-5551800-22-4344-

This page provides a general overview of Petrol Price in Damoh. Frisqoo strives to offer the most up-to-date local petrol prices. Please explore our website to find specific petrol prices for your city and stay informed on any price changes.


What is the petrol price in Damoh today?

The petrol price in Damoh is per litre.

How much is 1 litre of petrol in Damoh?

As of today , the price of 1 litre of petrol in Damoh is .

Who determines petrol prices in Damoh?

While the government deregulated petrol prices in 2014, state-owned Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) like Indian Oil and Bharat Petroleum set the daily prices based on market factors.

How are petrol prices determined in Damoh?
  • Global Crude Oil Prices: This is the biggest factor affecting petrol prices. Fluctuations in the international crude oil market directly impact domestic prices.
  • Taxes: Petrol prices include central excise duty and state VAT (Value Added Tax). VAT rates vary across states, contributing to price differences.
  • Refinery Costs & Margins: Costs associated with refining crude oil and the profit margin for petrol pump dealers are factored in.
  • Transportation Costs: The expense of transporting crude oil and refined petrol influences the final price.
  • Currency Exchange Rate: Petrol is purchased in dollars. A weaker rupee against the dollar leads to higher import costs and potentially increased petrol prices.
Why do petrol prices change daily in Damoh?

India has utilized a dynamic fuel pricing system since 2017. This means petrol prices are revised daily at 6:00 AM, reflecting global crude oil prices and currency exchange rates. This system offers transparency and eliminates the complexities of the previous fortnightly revision process.

How can I check the latest petrol prices in my city?
  • SMS Services: Each state-owned OMC (Oil Marketing Company) offers an SMS service to receive daily petrol price updates for your location.
  • Mobile Apps: Download apps like IndianOil One, My HPCL to access instant petrol prices across India.
  • OMCs Websites: Indian Oil, Bharat Petroleum, and Hindustan Petroleum websites offer "Pump Locator" features to help you find nearby stations at current prices.
  • Frisqoo Website: Explore our website for specific petrol prices in your city.
How often are petrol prices updated on Frisqoo?

We update our petrol prices daily to ensure you have the most recent information.

Why are petrol prices different in each state?

Petrol prices vary due to:

  • State VAT Rates: Different states have varying VAT rates, impacting the final price.
  • Transportation Costs: The distance between refineries and petrol pumps can affect the final price.
Does the value of the rupee against the dollar impact petrol prices?

Yes, the rupee's value against the dollar impacts petrol prices. Petrol is purchased in dollars, so a weaker rupee leads to higher import costs and potentially increased petrol prices.

What factors can lead to a decrease in petrol prices?
  • Lower Global Crude Oil Prices: When international crude oil prices fall, domestic petrol prices can decrease.
  • Stronger Rupee: A stronger rupee against the dollar reduces import costs, potentially lowering petrol prices.
  • Government Intervention: In rare cases, the government might reduce excise duty to bring down petrol prices.
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